The Artist Formerly Known as Oehm-Doggy

The day-to-day adventures of a naive mid-westerner living in the heart of lala land...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

As Time Goes By

Last night a friend called me, freaking out because she had seen someone in a LSE cheerleading jacket with '08 on the arm. She felt old. We had a long wierd conversation about time passing. I realized that in that it has been 8 years since I graduated from high school, I am the same person that would have graduated in 1990 when I was a senior (does that make sense?). When I was 18, if you would have asked me what I thought about the people who had graduated 8 years ago, I would have laughed as I thought about their bad hair and clothing. They would have seemed so very old. Am I that old now? Do current high schoolers laugh at us?

10 years ago: I was breathlessly anticipating my 16th birthday. KT would get her license in 4 days and we would skip 2nd period (orchestra for her, study hall for me) and go to McDonalds. We would spend most of our time for the next couple of years driving around aimlessly. We listened to the new Alanis CD, Jagged Little Pill. I loved a boy named Brad. I worked at the Pantry.

5 years ago: I had just moved to Los Angeles, actually Torrence, with Dyl. I was working for a marketing company that was a big ol' scam. I was trying to figure out how to finish college. I took classes at the community college. I was breathlessly anticipating my 21st birthday. I got a second cat.

1 year ago: I was planning my wedding and breathlessly anticipating OCs because it was closer. I bought my bridesmaid dress.

Yesterday: Was a Wednesday. I finished up my paper for Intergovernmental Relations, so I am now done with this quarter. I only have 3 classes to go before I get that lovely piece of paper with the letters MPA on it. I was deliciously lazy and had groceries delivered to my house. I made roasted pork tenderloin. I developed a gigantic headache and went to bed early.

Time is a funny thing.


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