The Artist Formerly Known as Oehm-Doggy

The day-to-day adventures of a naive mid-westerner living in the heart of lala land...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

This house costs $300,000 in the San Fernando Valley

I need to move.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Crazy Fall

I am about to have a heart attack. I just realized that my fall schedule looks like this:

Sept. 7-11: Birmingham for work
Sept. 13-17: My entire family is here for the football game on the 16th
Sept. 18-Oct. 4: Travelling around Europe
Oct. 4: fly from London straight to Denver for work
Oct. 5-9: work conference in Denver
Oct. 21-25: work conference in KC
Oct. 27-29: Court (and hopefully OC) will be in town visiting
Nov. 17-21: work conference in DC

I am seriously having a panic attack right now.

Friday, July 21, 2006

I had my first freak-out dream about the Europe trip last night. Nothing too interesting, just the standard we were standing in London and I realized that we didn't have any of the paperwork with us for the hotels or transportation or tickets or even passports. We didn't know where we were supposed to go or if we could leave the airport without passports. I woke up with my heard pounding like crazy. I hope that this doesn't happen often between now and Sept.

My professor for Research Methods class is a dick. Last night there were big signs up in the parking lot saying that they would be doing construction and that all cars left in the lots after 10 would be towed. We told the professor this at 9:30 so that he could wrap up his lecture in time to get us to our cars by 10. What did he do instead? Lecture until 10:10. Dick. If my car had been towed, I would have sent him the bill. Luckily we got to the lot just in time...there was already a police car there ready to start towing us. I am so ready to be done. One more week!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Dans le Noir

So, when we are in Europe in a couple of months, we are going to go to this restaurant called Dans le Noir (in the dark) for dinner in Paris. Basically the concept is that you eat in total darkness and are served by blind waiters. It's supposed to heighten the taste and smell of the food since you can't see it. You know the menu beforehand, so it's not like they bring out nasty stuff (or maybe they do and it's all a trick!). Mostly I just think that it's something different and fun.

When Dyl told one of his coworkers about this, she told us about a friend of hers who ate at a NINJA RESTAURANT in Japan. They jump out at you and flip around and bring your food. I want to go there too! It could be a hobby...travelling around the world, going to outlandish theme restaurants...

Friday, July 14, 2006


It is a million degrees outside.

California is on fire.

I am nervous about my comp exam tomorrow.

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Friday, July 07, 2006

My Heart is Full and my Body is Tired

Quick recap of the vaca to the LNC:

Sat: Arrive in OMA, eat dinner w/ the rents at Cheeseburger in Paradise, see Ian's new house (it kicks ass), meet Straub and Nik and Nik's new man (Mike) for drinks.

Sun: Brunch with the fam, BBQ at Nik's, golf with the rents, dinner at home, drinks and karaoke w/ Nik and Mike

Mon: Slept in, lunch with Conklin-Langtry (she got really skinny), shopping at Von Maur (good thing we don't have that here), Pedi's with Aunt Karen and McKenzy, met Straub for a drink, 90's trivia game and booze at Nik's

Tues: Drove to Omaha to see Conklin-Langtry and my fabu fake nieces, drove back to the LNC, helped Ian install kickass new big flat panel TV, party at Aunt Karen's and Uncle Pat's, Party at Demma's.

Wed: Slept in, lunch at Tico's, drove to OMA, got on plane, flew, rerouted to Oklahoma City because of weather in Dallas, sat there, flew to Dallas, sat there, sat there some more, finally get to Burbank at like midnight.

Now I get to study for comps all weekend. Sucky. I need a nap.