The Artist Formerly Known as Oehm-Doggy

The day-to-day adventures of a naive mid-westerner living in the heart of lala land...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cannot believe this just happened!

I just flushed my sunglasses.

They were hooked onto the waistband of my sweater and when I flushed the toilet they fell and went down so fast that there wasn't anything I could do to stop it. I can't believe that they actually went all the way down.

Telling the office manager to call the plumber now...

(And if I get them back, I am running them through the dishwasher and going back to wearing them!!)

Monday, January 29, 2007

Top Ten Constitutional Pick Up Lines

(These were written by a high school class in Indiana...)

10) I'll due your process
9) I'd like to check those balances
8) I'll habeas your corpus
7) I'll give you just compensation for the use of your private property
6) You have the right to assemble peacefully in my lower house
5) Why don't you come over and we'll form a more perfect union
4) I'll show you search and seizure
3) Come over to my place and we will do things that aren't necessary or proper
2) Do you wanna see my executive brance?
1) It might be cruel and unusual, but it's not punishment

And in conclusion, don't for get to always use equal protection!

American education rules!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Names For Peanut!!

Since you asked for them...

1) Paolo Adonis Franke (Sounds like an athletic name!)
2) Telesphore Habib Franke (I swear Telesphore is a name)
3) Hartmut Yaakov Franke (Very Germanic!)
4) Winchester Colt Franke (For the gun lovers)
5) Barnabas Anatoly Franke ( I just liked this one)

Of course that is just if Peanut is a boy. If needed next month I will come up with all new ones for girls...

Thursday, January 11, 2007


I am suffering from a serious lack of motivation these days...I have work that I should do, but I just really don't feel like doing it. There are even fun things that I can do, but I don't feel like doing those either. I could:

1) Plan the vacation that D and I are going on to Hawaii in October
2) Spend my i-tunes gift card that I got for Christmas
3) Go online and buy baby presents to stock up for summer
4) Book my plane tickets for some work trips (I do consider this fun for some reason)
5) Go home and watch tv and do laundry (not really fun, but better than work)
6) Go to the dive bar and drink beer with old guys

Eh. Blah.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

It's in the water...

So pretty much everyone I know is pregnant:

Co-worker Jennifer
Boss Kaci
Co-worker Kerri
Co-worker Wendy
High school friend Allison
High school friend Leyna

Fine. So that isn't actually everyone I know, but 7 people is a lot of people. This is crazy...