The Artist Formerly Known as Oehm-Doggy

The day-to-day adventures of a naive mid-westerner living in the heart of lala land...

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I Suppose You Can't Get Mad...

When your friend doesn't call you after you've had surgery if her excuse is that she has this:

Proctitis is an inflammation of the lining of the rectum causing pain, soreness, bleeding, and a discharge of mucus or pus. Complications from proctitis can range from the formation of ulcers and boils to severe bleeding. Proctitis related to ulcerative colitis may even evolve to include more widespread areas of the colon and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.


In other news, I'm off to Philly next week on an unexpected work trip. Far more fun than Topeka. Cheesesteaks and Boyz II Men baby! My knee is healing well. Stitches came out yesterday, so now the next step is mastering stairs.

I am officially a published newspaper writer (unless the high school paper counts, then I already was). If you are interested in reading my fascinating article on parking in Sherman Oaks, see and look on pages 12-13. I'm practically famous.

Later gators :)

Monday, February 20, 2006


1) Went to SD. It was fricken cold.
2) Legislators should always be forced to play one another in basketball.
3) Had knee surgery on Friday. It hurts.
4) Someone in the LNC won the lottery. Margo, was it you?
5) Tax returns are the best.

Must hobble back to couch now....

Friday, February 10, 2006

Ashley is prettier...

But I'd really rather hang out with Mary Kate (call me!).

1) Knee surgery a week from today. Not excited.
2) No matter what Dyl and his coworkers say, I do NOT look like Alyson Hannigan. Redheads do not all look alike. I truly empathize with the Asian women in my office who have such a problem being told apart.
3) My cats caught fleas at the vet. It makes me feel icky just to type it. I have never vacuumed so much in my life.
4) I leave Tuesday for Pierre, S.D. Happy fricken Valentines Day.
5) Flights are booked for Europe in September. Two and a half weeks of Ireland, Scotland, England and the Netherlands. Woo Hoo!
6) Nicole's birthday at the Dresden tonight and Chinese New Year variety show tomorrow night. More vacuuming in between.

All of the wrong turns and stumbles and falls brought me here...I am the luckiest.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Celebrity Sighting of the Week

Why isn't it ever anyone good?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Lizard Pushups

My office is pretty much in the desert. There are all of these cute little lizards that run around outside of the building. It always looks like they are doing push-ups. I was wondering what these push-ups were for, so I looked it up and then decided to share my newfound knowledge with the world.

"Lizards in the suborder Iguania communicate by doing push-ups and other athletic displays. They convey territoriality, courtship displays, and other messages with various combinations of push-ups, body postures, head movements, and displays of colorful belly patches or throat dewlaps. "

So, when they see me and then do push-ups, they are either threatened by me...or are trying to mate...

Friday, February 03, 2006

(K) Night Stalker

So...sometimes I look people up on the internet. Not like Heath Ledger or Albert Einstein, but people that I used to know. Today I found my highschool *boyfriend*'s wedding webpage. He is getting married in June. The picture that they have up is really really really unflattering. Not that there aren't unflattering pictures of me out there in the world, but I wouldn't choose one of them to go on my wedding page myself.

He used to be so cute (or at least I thought so). I thought I would still have a mini-crush on him. Hells no.