The Artist Formerly Known as Oehm-Doggy

The day-to-day adventures of a naive mid-westerner living in the heart of lala land...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Life Imitating Art?

"Two top White House aides may be indicted related to the leak of the identity of an undercover CIA agent"

Why does this sound familliar??? Oh yeah, because it is the same plot as the West Wing. What do you want to bet that Law and Order picks it up and uses it too? "Ripped From the Headlines!!!"

Today is Lauren's last day. Very sad. I'm glad I don't have to move to Houston. If she moves all the way to Texas and that fuck of a fiance of hers breaks her heart, I will personally fly down there and kill him. I might not make a special trip to do it, I may combine it with a site visit or with Seth's wedding, but either way, I will kill him.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

It's Official!

I am a Californian. After five years of getting by with my Nebraska license, I passed the California driver's test this morning and received my temporary license. My real license will be mailed within a few weeks. Now, when I go to bars, I won't have to tell the bouncer where the birthdate is. Crazy.

Also, I want to give a shout out to Sgt. Bilko and his lovely bride. What is going on with your Cancun honeymoon plans?

Monday, October 24, 2005

Refreshments Forever!

So apparently one of my favorite bands, who I thought had broken up, are back together under a different name. For those of you who are unfamilliar with the joy that is listening to the Refreshments at full volume through the California desert with the windows down, you should try it immediately. The most widely known of their albums is 1995's Fizzy Fuzzy Big and Buzzy with the singles "Down Together" and "Banditos". The Refreshments also provide the theme music to King of the Hill.

They are playing in Solano Beach (which seems to be on the way to San Diego) on Nov. 4...O.C., you up for the trip?

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Effervescent Housing

"High home prices might not surprise Berson, but they worry Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve. In his June testimony before the congressional Joint Economic Committee, Greenspan said: 'Although a bubble in home prices for the nation, as a whole, does not appear likely, there do appear to be, at a minimum, signs of froth in some local markets where home prices seem to have risen to unsustainable levels.'"

Froth. Not a bubble. A bunch of cute, tiny bubbles. Doesn't help me buy a house.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Other Great Reads

As soon as I figure out how to create permanent links on my page I will add these there, but until then, if you want to experience some darn good reading, try these pages: This site is run by one of my favorite colleagues out "in the field" and some other guy that I don't know. Steve is a great guy and a delight to partake in drunken conversation with at CCE conferences. The blog is good too :) This is the best entertainment gossip blog I have found. Unfortunately, Trent is on a little break right now...he is still posting, but not as elaborately as he was posting before. Check out the archives. If you are a newspaper editor, you should hire this brilliant girl as quickly as possible. Not a blog, but as long as I am talking about my favorite sites, I certainly couldn't leave this one out. Recaps of all of the good TV shows in case you miss one. Forums to discuss shows with other crazy people who have nothing better to do with their time. Fab.

Beam Him Up

The remains of Star Trek's James "Scotty" Doohan, who died in July at age 85 will be blasted into space aboard Space Services Inc.'s Explorers Flight on Dec. 6.

I love this.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Singing in the Rain

I love the rare times when it rains in Los Angeles. People are all so funny about it. They start driving like idiots. They all run to the windows to watch. It's silly, but it's contagous and makes me act funny too. I keep taking breaks to go outside and stand under the overhang and talk to the others about the fact that it is raining.

In other news, I am doing research for the new We the People textbook. I am supposed to come up with the background and a timeline for data security and privacy law. It is making my eye twitch.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Letter to L.A. Traffic

Dear Los Angeles Traffic,

Why must you confuse me so?

I leave early, I arrive late. I leave late, I arrive late. We had a good pattern going there. I felt comfortable and stable, albeit a little pissy. At least I knew what to expect out of you. Consistancy is key to a good relationship.

The past few days, you have just been acting so differently. I don't understand what is going on with you. I have left early and arrived early. I have left late and arrived even earlier. No congestion. No snarls. No sig alerts. And it's not just a little different. I had morning nooking today and left 15 minutes late and still arrived to work on time. That's a big difference. Dr. Phil says that when one half of a relationship begins acting in a way that is completely unusual, it could be a sign of unfaithfulness. Should I be worried?

If you have just turned over a new leaf, and this is how it is going to be from now on, just let me know. I will change my departure time and all will be well. I am very excited even at the prospect. However, if you are just doing this to tease me, it's mean and you should stop. I hope that you value our coexistance enough to help me out with this.


Jayme (2005 SilverHonda Civic LX)

Blah Blah Blah

1) I survived the cell phone-fetching expedition. It was interesting.

2) Poor OC was in a car accident. She is ok, but like my accident around this time last year (almost exactly a year ago!), the guy who hit her has no license or insurance. Bastards.

3) One coworker (icky middle-aged man) filed a complaint about another coworker (bitter 60-something woman) because he was walking by her cubicle and apparantly she didn't think anyone was around, because her legs were propped up spread eagle on her desk and she was scratching her hoo hoo. Yuck yuck yuck!

4) It appears that one of my bosses is looking for a new job. Sad, because I like her. Good, because I want her job. Really sad because I hate the other person who will want her job.

5) Jamocha is getting married tomorrow! Yay and congrats!

6) Classes start on the 24th. I am taking two nights a week. Advanced Public Policy Analysis and Intergovernmental Relations. Fun? Maybe?

7) Ask me if I'm an orange.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

CSI Los Angeles

I lost my cell phone on Monday. I figured it was somewhere in my house and I would find it tonight. Wrong. Coworker gets a call from my phone. Caller asks her if she speaks spanish. She does not, so she runs downstairs to find someone who does. Raul from shipping gets on the phone. Turns out that someone has my phone and they give him an address so that I can come and get it. It appears to be a business address. I am not going alone, as coworker has bravely volunteered to come along. However, if we turn up missing, look for a spanish speaking man at 2650 First Street in Simi Valley. He may be carrying a cute little blue cell phone.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Coworker #1 is leaving us for Texas at the end of this month. Coworker #2 is applying for new jobs. Coworkers #3 and #4 are driving me so crazy that I may go at them with the stapler. I will never be promoted, but when I look at what is out there for new jobs, they all pay crap. I need school to start next week so that I can stop feeling so stagnant and unsettled. I need a hobby. Here are some options:

1)Horse whisperer (not really, just jumping lessons)
2) Arabic lessons
3) Yoga (never did get around to it over the summer)
4) Ballroom dancing

Any other ideas?

Monday, October 03, 2005


It is 2:27 P.M. My boss is leaving early AGAIN. This makes about 593818 days straight. We have a conference this week. Nothing is done for this conference. He is worthless.

My other boss decided that less than a week before a major conference would be a good time to take a day off to go to a wedding. Then she has the nerve to be snippy with me for not "taking ownership" of a project that I got thrown into, even though I just got back from my WEDDING and ANOTHER CONFERENCE (that she didn't even attend). Would it have killed her to get it done while we were gone? This probably doesn't even make sense and I am rambling, but ARGH!

Happy one month anniversary to me and Dylan!

Happy negative 5 day anniversary to Sgt. Bilko and JG! Can't wait to see the pictures!!!

This week has GOT to get better...